Companies History


Our family has been operating in the sector of extraction, processing and commercializing natural stones for four generations, a culture handed down since 1870 by tradition of expert stonemasons and quarrymen. Since the 50s we have been involved in the extraction of marble in Italy and then, starting from the 70s, in the cultivation of travertine quarries in Morocco. The winning strategy of our family is always keeping up with the time and complying promptly to market demands. Marmoelettromeccanica Company, set up in the 80s, has been dedicated to the production of diamond tools for processing marbles, granites, travertine and natural stones. Wishing to broaden its horizons also in the field of processing, KingStone was established in 2002, specialising in the production of finished products for the building industry in both marble and travertine, and in 2010 GammaStone was founded, operating in the field of lightened panels for ventilated facades.


The Companies 

The group is synonymous with excellence and innovation, qualities that arise from over fifty years of experience in the stone industry and from a tireless commitment and dedication to the creation of products of the highest quality and strong exclusivity. The group is among the first ISO 9001 certified by imq (Italian quality mark institute), the most important Italian certification body and European leader in assessments and laboratory tests for safety, quality and sustainability. Although each company is autonomous in terms of corporate structure and products / services offered, the collaboration is total both in terms of staff skills and on a technical-industrial level. In many cases, cooperation takes on the appearance of a real “production chain”. The group operates in three different production plants and a single centralized office.

Since its foundation in 2002 KingStone has dedicated itself to the production of marble and travertine products for the building industry. The company boasts decades of consolidated experience in the natural stone sector and is synonymous with excellence and exclusivity, operates with seriousness and dedication and is known for bringing new ideas and winning solutions to the building finishing sector.

In 2019 KingStone decided to recover and cultivate the Quarry in Grassano, an exclusive quarry due to compactness and low porosity of its Travertine. To guarantee the high quality of its products the company controls rigorously the entire production chain.

In the main production plant, located a few kilometres from the Grasano Quarry, traditional skills and the most up-to-date machinery and technologies are combined to fully satisfy each customers’ expectations.

Established in 2010, it operates in the construction of large slabs and monolithic elements for architecture, in short GammaStone has become one of the major world companies in the sector with its main patent “GammaStone AIR”. The company, thanks to its experience in the industry, has developed innovative technological thinking and the continuous search for exclusive engineering solutions capable of enhancing the materials in all their beauty for the realization of enchanting projects. It is the only company in the world able to supply elements already built in the laboratory ready for installation and, moreover, it is among the first ISO 9001 certified by IMQ

Established in the 80s, Marmoelettromeccanica today represents one of Italy’s largest manufacturers of diamond tools for working marble, granite and natural stone, boasting multiple registered patents and exporting worldwide The company makes use of an organizational structure that, from the Italian headquarters, branches out throughout the national and international territory. Marmoelettromeccanica has obtained important awards from the Region Lazio, CCIIA, Consorzio Rome and Filas and collaborates with some Italian Universities in the field of technological and chemical research (eg La Sapienza University of Rome and University of Tuscia of Viterbo).



Thanks to our own quarries and to an extraordinary distribution network we can guarantee continuous supplies.

Passion and Sustainability

Our commitment to the environment is based on sustainable development and business ethics.

Customer Orientation

We put the need of customer over the need of business.

Exceed any Expectation

Our vocation goes beyond production, in fact, first and foremost, we care about quality and customers, the satisfaction of the last is given by the guarantee that we always offer a first-choice product thanks to our know-how and up-to-date machinery.


Although each company is independent in terms of corporate structure and products / services offered, the cooperation is total both in terms of staff skills and on technical-industrial aspects. In many cases, teamwork takes on the appearance of a real “production chain”.

Research and development have been always considered as fundamental components in our companies’ philosophy in order to grow and at the same time to improve product and technology offered. Large amounts of capital are regularly invested to come up with innovative solutions and to identify unique natural resources. We are glad to be able to boast of a Made in Italy brand thanks to the qualitative excellence of our production and to the positive feedback from our customers.